RAD Grade 6 Grands Battement and Grands Battements En Cloche Charlie-Jean Clark 0:39 1 year ago 3 161 Далее Скачать
RAD Advanced 2 - Grand Battements and grands Battements en cloche LePremier Ballet 1:05 3 years ago 1 730 Далее Скачать
RAD Intermediate Foundation - Grand Battement & Grand Battement en Cloche JoVal SUNify 0:34 9 months ago 2 608 Далее Скачать
Grands Battements and Battements en Cloche Grade 6 RAD María Angélica Téllez Gabella 0:34 8 years ago 37 154 Далее Скачать
Insight: Ballet glossary - grand battement Royal Ballet and Opera 0:34 13 years ago 526 804 Далее Скачать
Grands Battements en Cloche - Barre - Royal Academy of Dancing (RAD) - Pre Elementary Marcela Leal 0:32 3 years ago 76 Далее Скачать
Grands battements en cloche- Advanced foundation Maria Dalamaga 0:31 14 years ago 3 517 Далее Скачать